January 23, 2011

A Letter From Mary E. Russell

722 East 11th Street
Wilmington, Delaware
April 23, 1919

Dear Mrs. Weldon,

I have no excuse to offer for not having written to you before this, other than that so much of the time I do not feel well. I have had quite a time this past winter. I had the flu in the fall, and since then I have had so much trouble with my throat. Also just at this time in my life I am going through, some say, severe changes, but I hope I will be all right before very long.

We all enjoyed your real home letters, and surely do enjoy having Heywood with us. He is certainly a mighty fine boy, and one you may well be proud of. Only I do hope he will soon be able to get out of the Navy. I think it is all right and was fine for our nice boys to do their part, but now that the war is over I am afraid they will form habits it will be hard to get away from after a while, and Heywood is capable of making good in some line worthwhile.

My married daughter has been home with her dear little girl this week, and I have not been able to do much but love the baby. I am sending you a picture of them. Heywood met them here on Easter, and the baby liked him very much. I will enclose this in Sara's letter. We all liked the pictures of your nice family. We had not seem them before. When those sailors get here they don't know what to do with themselves, but I enjoy it as much as anyone, and will miss them a lot when they leave. If only Delaware and Texas were not so far apart, how niced it would be to get to know you all.

With love to all,
Mary E. Russell

(Photograph enclosed of Mrs. N.W. Swayne and her daughter, Carolyn Hope Swayne.)

[Ed. note: Mary E. Russell was the mother of Sara and Dot].

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