February 21, 2011

Home Again

New York
August 15, 1919

Dear Mother and Father,

Arrived here today noon after a five and a half day trip from Ponta Delgada, Azores. We left Venice the 29th for Trieste and Fiume, Austria, and after a short stay at Trieste we got underway for Spalato again. Left Spalato the afternoon of the 30th, and arrived at Gibraltar the 2nd of August. We stayed there several days because we couldn't get fuel oil from the English. Finally got 25,000 gallons and got underway with the USS Badger and Ellis, and made port at Azores.

Am more than glad to see New York again, and it ought not be very long before I start toward Texas (I hope).

Had a fine trip with the exception of two days when we ran into a storm. However, I don't get seasick any more so I go by OK.

Will write a long letter when I get more time. Am enclosing a letter I wrote from Venice and forgot to mail -- it got here sooner than if I had posted it.

Give my love to the kids,

(Postmarked Staten Island, New York, August 15, 1919)

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