November 9, 2010

Sick List

San Pedro, California
October 3, 1918

My dear Mother,

The reason I didn't write yesterday is because I was on mess duty and that doesn't leave any too much time for anything else.

I worked all day yesterday, and this morning I got so dizzy I went to the doctor, and he put me on the sick list. The sick list is for those who aren't sick enough to go to the hospital, but while on the sick list we aren't allowed to do anything but just lay around. I haven't much fever so think I'll be all right in a day or so.

Be sure and tell me how Julius gets along. I had influenza in Detention and it surely makes anyone sick for a while.

Today is cloudy and early this morning it was foggy, but the fog has lifted.

We haven't been given liberty yet, but as there is a big naval ball to begin this Saturday night, we have hope. There were 96 recruits who came from the east, and over half of them had influenza, so they are quarantined in Los Angeles. That may have something to do with keeping us in.

I got the album and spend half my time looking at the pictures. I didn't know my own mother was a part, but those verses are great. I have put them in the album -- why shouldn't I want them there?

The new rifle range is up and the fellows are banging away, and as it's right in camp it makes the dickens of a noise. I'm going to try and make a marksman when our time comes to shoot.

There is really nothing to write about, but will keep on sending my letters every day or so.


(Postmarked San Pedro, California, October 4, 1918)

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